The pages of this manual are meant to guide you through the steps of a campaign to defend your home.
If you are dealing with an immediate housing issue (such as an eviction, lease termination, or severe living conditions), this manual is for you — whether you rent or own your home. While this resource is not meant to be exhaustive, it will help you get the key components of your campaign started.
One important note before you proceed: Depending on your situation — if you live in an apartment complex or other multifamily housing, you may want to consider whether to launch your campaign as an individual or as a group.
Whether you’re dealing with a slumlord, safety problems, or excessive fees and penalties, chances are, you’re not the only one. Since your target in this situation would be the same (landlord or property management), it can be extremely beneficial to fight as a group. Remember, there is power in numbers. It is easy for a landlord to intimidate and overpower an individual, but it is more difficult for them to push back against a large group of tenants working together.