Crisis in Gaza

What you need to know about the situation in Gaza and how you can take action. 

A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Gaza. Following Hamas’s October attacks, Israel’s military has killed tens of thousands of people. Nearly 2 million have been displaced. Restrictions on aid are causing starvation. The International Court of Justice says Israel’s actions may constitute genocide.

AFSC is responding to this crisis both through humanitarian aid and advocacy for peace. We mourn all who have been killed and call for the peaceful release of all civilians held captive.  

As a Quaker organization, AFSC firmly opposes violence in all its forms while working to address its root causes. We have been working in Gaza, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territory since 1948. We have earned a trusted reputation in the region for honest aid work and our principled position for peace based on respecting the dignity of all people and their human rights.  

Our team in Gaza is delivering life-saving humanitarian aid as conditions allow. In the U.S., our advocacy team has mobilized people across the country for a cease-fire and for changes to realize just, sustainable peace. Please join us in supporting these efforts.

AFSC's Humanitarian Response

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Gaza emergency response

Your emergency donation will bring humanitarian relief and support ongoing efforts to stop the violence and build conditions for peace.

A mother and five children in front of a tent

Belal Khalili