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Tell Gov. Reynolds to act now to ensure “No hungry summers in Iowa!”
This summer, a new federal program will ensure that millions of low-income kids won't go hungry when school is not in session. The Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer (S-EBT) was passed with bipartisan support in a very polarized Congress. It provides a benefit card worth $120 per summer for every child eligible for free or reduced school lunches. This can make the difference between food security and a hungry summer.
While the majority of states with both Democratic and Republican governors chose to implement the program, Iowa state is one of only 14 to refuse to do so. As a result, 240,000 children in our state will miss out on this opportunity because Gov. Kim Reynolds chose not to opt into the program. While participating states share some administrative costs for the program, these are minimal compared with the benefits for children, families, and the local economy.
Tell Gov. Reynolds to act now to ensure “No hungry summers in Iowa!”